School Lunch – Parents Taster Day

Chartwells, who provide our school lunches, are inviting parents/grandparents to join their child for lunch on 22nd November.
Dear Families
Thank you to those of you who signed-up to come in and eat with your children and try a school lunch. I am writing to everyone as it's a time saver...! Please ignore this message if you have not signed-up for the Parents Taster session and ordered your food.
This is very much a Chartwells event but of course we need to get involved to make sure that everyone doesn't end-up sitting on top of one another in the hall!
After speaking with our midday supervisors, we have decided to stagger lunches to try and avoid queues. We would like you to arrive 5 minutes before the relevant times below, sign-in, take a walk to the playground and pick up ALL your children. They'll show you how to line-up nicely and collect your lunch! Please come at the time allocated for your youngest child.
Reception/Y1: 11.45am
Y2/Y3: 12.15pm
Y4/Y5: 12.45pm
Y6: 1-1.15pm
Just to remind you; your child(ren) will order their meal in the normal way.
Looking forward to seeing you on the day.
Kind regards
Steven Ginn