Robin Hood Panto – The Corn Hall

We are very excited to inform you that on Monday 16th December children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be visiting The Corn Hall in Diss to watch this years’ pantomime ‘Robin Hood’.
We will be leaving after lunch to watch the 1:30pm performance and will therefore not be back in time for the end of the school day but will instead be back at school for 4:15pm.
As this can be a busy and expensive time of the year, we will be subsiding this trip with the money raised from our Christmas performances. We ask for a contribution of £8 towards the cost of the panto ticket and travel.
Please sign the attached slip below and return by Friday 6th December. If you are able to help on the trip, please also fill in the slip attachd and we will get back to you.
Kind regards,
EYFS and KS1 teachers