Creative music workshop

On Friday 8th November, we are lucky enough to be welcoming singer and song writer Samia Malik to school for her ‘Creative music workshop for kids-a wider cultural experience’.
Dear Families
As a school we are grateful for opportunities made possible by local organisations. The Bank Arts Centre in Eye are hosting a creative music festival from the 7th to 9th November and we are excited to be taking part!
On Friday 8th November, we are lucky enough to be welcoming singer and song writer Samia Malik to school for her ‘Creative music workshop for kids-a wider cultural experience’. Her primary school workshops are based on classical Indian music and songs. Every child in school will have the chance to take part in activities including exploring Indian instruments, learning and performing classical and Bollywood songs.
In order to help us fund this fantastic event, we would like to ask for a voluntary contribution of £2 per child. We do hope you will support us in offering this exciting, inspiring, creative day. We would appreciate it if you could sign the form below and enclose your voluntary contribution.
On Thursday 7th November, The Bank will be holding a creative music workshop entitled “Creative and unusual rhythms and scales” from 7pm to 9pm. Tickets are priced at £8.00 On Saturday 9th November from 6pm to 8pm, there will be live music with Samia Malik and band. Tickets are priced at £10.00. This is open to all ages and for anyone who was involved in either workshop. Tickets for both events are available direct from The Bank.
Kind regards
Catherine Skipper
Music Subject Lead